Emamou is committed to fostering a sustainable business with care to our employees, the environment, climate, and business partners. Therefore Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies are embedded in our daily activities and in our business collaborations. With our ESG policies, we aim to contributing to a sustainable development and bring positive impacts beyond our business activities. Considering a compliance with ISO 2600 and the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, we strive to be professional, committed, and sustainable for now and in the long term.
We believe that business focuses are particularly important in view of a sustainable growth and climate neutrality. Therefore we only strive in the sectors which have optimal resource use, low or nearly zero impacts to the environment.
We are currently tackling plastic pollution, providing sustainable plastics to any sectors in need. We keep growing to natural rubbers which are also versatile and important for many sectors. We engage businesses to reduce massively greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, circulate valuable resources, and establish circular and bioeconomy sectors through our businesses.
As we collaborate with many producers and suppliers around the world, we see our responsibilities to implement and verify human and land rights, particularly in countries where fundamental rights are not comprehensively implemented. In our activities and collaborations, we assure that human and land rights are respected based on international treaties such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We have codes of conduct that guide our employees to run daily activities with genuine care and concerns for the environment and for others. We care for health conditions and professional growth of employees. Each employee has own business focuses, therefore workloads are designed suitable for their expertise, interests, and efforts. We support our employees growing professionally through opportunities for training courses, conferences, and professional exhibitions.
We also pay attention to the safety, health, and working conditions of our business partners and influence them to comply with codes of conduct based on ILO codes of practice.
In the environment and climate subject, we are working hard to minimize the environmental impacts in considerations with our business focuses defined above. We invest in materials and machines that minimize the impact on the environment. Our office lighting is supplied from solar panel and light bulbs are all LED energy-efficient.
Our business portfolios focuses on supplying only sustainable materials and products, avoiding harmful materials and products which damage soil, water, ocean and pollute atmosphere. We optimise the value chains to assure that GHG emissions are minimised, waste and residues are managed and restored. We also engage our business partners to take responsibilities to tackle environmental and climate impacts and grow a truly sustainable business together.
We realise that our business somehow still have environmental impacts through transport and shipment of our materials and products. We are committed to contributing a part of our business profits to help improve the environment. We will report the contributions in our annual ESG publication.
Emamou is a professional, collaborative, and transparent company. Our team is multifunctional, respective, and supportive not only within our own cycle, but we keep this attitude to our customers, clients, and suppliers. We base on diverse ethical, social, and governance principles to be a trusted and long-term business partner with any enterprises we work with.
Our team including sustainability experts are dedicated to guide any business growing towards the circular and bioeconomy which is not yet the norm. We use our expertise to write blogs and inform general public about truly sustainable products for their daily use. We assess trustworthy and reliable information relevant to our sustainable business focuses, and share it with our customers and clients to inform them to make decisions. We also participate in events to discuss sustainability related issues. We hope that our ultimate aim to run a sustainable business good for the people and the earth inspires anyone in our business journey.